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The Escambia Soil and Water Conservation District is a governmental subdivision of the State of Florida. The creation of districts was authorized by the Soil and Water Conservation Law, Chapter 582, Florida Statutes, enacted by the Florida Legislature in 1937.  Districts are organized for the purpose of developing and carrying out a program of conservation of the State's soil and water resources. It is the SWCD that helps set priorities for the implementation of conservation programs. The district may then work with other agencies to carry out these programs.


2024 Workshop Meetings

Every first Thursday of each month, 4:45p.  Unless otherwise stated on the meeting agenda or under News & Updates, workshop meeting will be held at the Tryon Branch Library located at 1200 Langley Ave-Pensacola.

2024 Regular Meetings

Every third Thursday of each month, 9:00a.  Meetings are held at the Molino Farm Bureau building located at 153 Hwy 97-Molino.